Y7 Take Your Child to Work Day Tuesday 6th February

We have successfully run the ‘Y7 Take Your Child To Work Day’ for a number of years with positive feedback from parents/carers/employers & students.

The day is to allow students to explore careers, look at gender stereotypes, help with inspiration and to see the importance of working hard. Students will be asked to complete a short work book to make the most of their ‘visit’ to the workplace. This activity is linked to the Gatsby Benchmark 5: Encounters with employers and Employees & Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces. (For more information please see: https://www.gatsby.org.uk/education/focus-areas/good-career-guidance) It is also linked to the Careers & Development Institute Framework for learning areas for lifelong career development. (for more information please see: https://www.thecdi.net/resources/cdi-framework)

How it works:
1  –  an employer of a parent/carer/relative or close family friend is identified and agreed. The employer will need public liability insurance.
2 – the Microsoft form is to be completed by the parent/carer with details of the employer. The deadline for this will be 31st January
3 – an email will be sent to the employer explaining the scheme
4 – students will receive a short booklet to complete during their day observing the work place. There is a prize for the best completed workbook from each community.
5 – students will need to be signed into the work place as a visitor for the day.

Students that are unable to take part will be expected to attend school for the day where work based activities will be provided for them.

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