If you are a current parent and interested in being a Richard Lander School governor please see this post. 

At Richard Lander School we are looking for co-opted governors, and one Local Authority governor, to join our governing body. As a governor you will be a volunteer who makes a vital contribution to the success of the school.

School governors have three main roles.

  • To ensure the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school.

The governing body helps to set long-terms plans for the school, decide where improvements need to be made and how to make them.


  • Offering support and challenge to the school’s senior team with regard to the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.

The governing body looks at the quality of education being offered and ensures the head is doing everything possible to improve results.


  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure its funding is appropriately spent.

Governors examine budgets and spending proposals to monitor whether the school is getting value for money and ensure the money is spent in the right areas.


This role may be particularly of interest if you have skills in finance/accounting, human resources, data, education or careers but we invite applications from anyone who is interested in helping the school be the best it can be. Full training is available and governors are encouraged to attend regular training sessions, either in person or online.

We are looking for someone who can attend approximately six full governing body meetings per year and approximately four committee meetings per year. In addition to this, is a requirement to assist with panels such as complaint panels, staff appeal panels, pupil suspension and permanent exclusion panels. Meetings are held in school, usually on Wednesday evenings from 4:30 – 7pm. Governors also spend time in school during the day (around two visits per term).

If this is something that interests you please contact Clerk@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk.


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