Dear Parent/Carer

Online permission is now closed – if you still need to give permission for your child to attend this event you have until Friday 6th December for your child to hand in a hand written form – these are available from Miss Jones in room 126.

We are delighted to invite all families and friends of Richard Lander School to join us for our Service of 9 Lessons and Carols at Truro Cathedral on Monday, 9th December. 🎄✨ This festive tradition is a beautiful way to celebrate the season together and is guaranteed to put you in the Christmas spirit. We hope to see you there!

The Richard Lander Music Department would like to invite all Year 7 and 8 students, along with a selection of our music ensembles and choirs, to perform in our annual Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Truro Cathedral on December 9th 2024. From 6.30pm, students will need to arrive at the Cathedral in smart school uniform and families and those coming to watch the event will be allowed to enter and choose their seats. The service will begin at 7pm and will finish around 9pm. At the end of the evening we ask parents to come and pick up their children from inside the cathedral. This is a non-ticketed event and all parents/ carers/ family and friends are welcome to attend the event. It is usually extremely well attended with normally a full-house audience as it begins the Christmas festivities!

There will be various in school rehearsals starting on the 4th November 2024 and a rehearsal in the Cathedral on Monday 9th December, during school hours. We will travel to the Cathedral via coach for this day rehearsal and students will be back at school in time for their lunch. If you wish for your child to partake in these rehearsals and perform on the evening, please complete the Microsoft form – link here –

  • Online permission is now closed – if you still need to give permission for your child to attend this event you have until Friday 6th December for your child to hand in a hand written form – these are available from Miss Jones in room 126.

If you would prefer a printed permission slip, please ask your child to ask their music teacher for one. And please note your child will only be able to participate in rehearsals once this form has been completed.

This is a very special event in the school calendar and for many of the Richard Lander staff, marks the start of the Christmas period. We look forward to seeing you on December 9th!

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