01872 273750

Our Area Resource Base

The Area Resource Base (ARB) known as The ARK, is an 18 place provision for students with an EHCP who would benefit from a more specialist place to learn.

In the ARK students follow a curriculum based on their learning and sensory needs. Opportunities for learning are presented though a wide variety of adapted activities to support and encourage access to all aspects of the curriculum including English and Maths. We deliver learning within the ARK, along with lessons to mainstream classrooms for more practical subjects such as Cooking, DT, ART, Science, ICT, PE and Drama.

We are particularly aware of the need to support students in communication skills, managing themselves emotionally and gaining confidence in life skills. To develop these skills, students take part in a progression of work related experiences and enjoy visits from a therapy dog.

Forest school sessions provide outdoor learning opportunities for team work along with visits to the local area. Experiencing real life scenarios through the local community amenities such as the Post Office, shops, swimming at Truro Leisure Centre and summer sailing sessions at Mylor Sailing Centre provide authentic experiences to develop life skills. We make termly trips based on our topic of learning and have regular weekly music sessions supported by Open School Orchestra.

As students progress through school we prepare them for the next step towards a college placement or further specialist provision. Successful transition is a team effort with parents, CSW, work experience providers and local college staff.

The Ark gives individual support with the benefit of opportunities in the life of the wider Richard Lander School.  Students can participate in World Book Day, Greenpower, school productions, Duke of Edinburgh, lunchtime clubs and fundraising events.

More about the ARK

In the ARK we have three classrooms, a sensory room, small kitchen and an area for Funfit and physio sessions.

The unit is led Catherine Hamon, our ARB Manager, alongside another SEND specialist teacher. They are supported by 2 HLTA and a team of teaching assistants. Working closely with parents and other support services, we are able to support the development of each individual student to ensure they are happy and ready to learn. In spite of challenges, our hope is that each student thrives and enjoys school and all it has to offer them at this stage of their life.

All applications for places within the ARB go through the SEND admissions team at the Local Authority. Parents are welcome to look around and meet staff at our Open Evening in September each year.

For a curriculum overview for our ARB students please click here

A statement of curriculum intent


Please feel free to contact the SEND team should you have any queries or concerns.



ARK students had a brilliant time on board the Helen Mary boat as part of a sailing day organised by RCYC Trust.  Thank you to all the crew and team who organised such an amazing day.