Dear Parent/Carer

We are delighted to announce that Richard Lander School has, again, been successful in our Turing Fund bid and we have been awarded funds sufficient to provide 12 funded student places on our Lander4Uganda 2025 trip.

This year we have been awarded slight less funding than last year. If your child’s application is successful we will be able to pay the lion’s share of the current cost of the Uganda trip in July 2025 (current cost to paying students is £2850) but we will need to ask parents/carers to contribute £200 towards the cost of the trip unless your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, in which case the school will pay the extra £200.

In addition, we will be able to help all families with paying for Yellow Fever vaccination and anti-malarials, up to £175, as long as all receipts are supplied.

About the trip

In a nutshell this is Richard Lander School’s flagship foreign visit:  Since 2010, the school and its community have worked hard to raise money for development projects in our partner schools in Uganda. This fundraising culminates in the African adventure of a lifetime where for around 3 weeks we work in our partner schools, before exploring the cultural sites and markets of Kampala and heading off on a three-day Safari. The best way to find out more about the trip is to visit our blog.

The 2025 Uganda trip will take place throughout July 2025.

We invite applications from students in Years 10 or 11 for the Turing funded places

We hope your child will consider applying for this incredible trip!


Choosing applicants

The funding for the bid is based on prioritising students from disadvantaged backgrounds:

Turing generally define these students as people who meet any of the following criteria:

  • someone with an annual household income of £25,000 or less
  • someone who has been entitled to free school meals at any point in the past 6 years because of being in a low-income household
  • someone with experience of being in care or who is a care leaver – including anyone who is or has been in care, or from a looked after background, at any stage of their life
  • a refugee or an asylum seeker
  • someone who is receiving Universal Credit or income related benefits themselves, or lives with someone who does.

This list is not exhaustive. If we identify students who do not precisely meet these definitions but share similar characteristics which justify extra support, we are allowed to include them in our application. One example of this may be where families are subject to unaffordable housing costs.

Student Motivation

Students will also be selected on commitment to both the trip and participating in previous/upcoming charitable activities/endeavors. We will select by application – written & interview. Tutors, L4U 2024 students, Miss Carr (Pupil Premium Mentor) and the SEND team are available to help with written applications. Mrs Griffiths and Miss Wright will interview students.

Can students who already have a place reserved on the trip apply?

Yes, you can. Your application will be treated the same as any other applicants.


Apply NOW!

Interested students/parents/carers are invited to fill out an application form. A paper copy is attached to this email or an online version is available here:

Students will be invited to interview in the week after half term.


We look forward to receiving your application!


Mrs Griffiths & Miss Wright

Lander4Uganda 2025 Team

Parents/carers can find out more about the Turing Scheme here:

If any parent/carers have any questions they are welcome to contact Sally Wright

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