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Personal Development

Personal Development is the umbrella term for the teaching of PSHE, Citizenship and Careers Education. Personal Development is unlike any other curriculum area as the subject is the students themselves. Each year we re-visit substance abuse, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), Health Education and careers in an age appropriate and relevant way. We also have the flexibility to respond to current issues affecting a young person’s health and wellbeing.

The curriculum for each year group is delivered through Personal Development specialist teaching staff, which gives students the best possible experience within the classroom.

A wealth of outside speakers and professionals from a variety of partner agencies make a valuable input into various aspects of the curriculum, and this is something our students really benefit from.

PD Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3, we follow a spiral curriculum meaning that content can be presented in a way that supports the development of young people. Most students have one lesson of PD each week. 

In Year 7 we focus on settling into school, friendship issues and bulling, puberty, smoking, healthy lifestyles, the development of a baby, sun and sea safety and my dream career.  We continue to make use of circle time during this year.

In Year 8 our careers focus is on labour market information, a career investigation and starting your own business/what does it mean to be an entrepreneur. All students follow the British Red Cross Heartstart programme on First Aid. We learn about HIV, the condom as a method of protection and contraception along with the work of an MP, democracy in action and drug education.

As students enter Year 9 we examine the issues of mental health and how to stay mentally fit while flagging sources of help and support. We learn about sexually transmitted infections, homelessness and continue our drugs education. Using Stonewall resources, we learn about homophobia.

We are lucky to have specialist staff to teach these often sensitive subjects and work with a host of community partners to ensure the best and most up to date information is given to our students.


A curriculum overview calendar for Years 7-11 Personal Development is available here

For additional information relating to the PD curriculum at Key Stage 3 please email

Mrs V Downing – Head of RE / PD

PD Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4 we combine RE with PD in our Religion, Ethics and Personal Development course.

In Year 10 students spend time making ready and planning for work experience. RSE focusses on the consequences of having a baby when you are not ready, contraception, abortion and the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships; domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment. Students also learn about euthanasia.

Much of Year 11 is dedicated to supporting the post 16 process, preparing students for interviews and creating a CV. We explore the various routes available to students post 16 and post 18. We also revisit substance misuse, smoking, dangers on a night out/at a house party, the dangers of posting images online and pornography addiction.  Students receive financial advice on mortgages, income tax, managing and living healthily a budget, saving and the costs of having a phone/car. Students revise their emergency first aid training.


A curriculum overview calendar for Years 7-11 Personal Development is available here 

For additional information relating to the PD curriculum at Key Stage 4 please email

Mrs V Downing – Head of RE / PD