Leadership Team
Message from the Headteacher
“We believe that every child is special and has something unique to offer the school and the wider community. Our aim is to nurture these gifts and ensure that every student becomes ‘the best that they can be’.
In order to achieve this, the values which underpin all our work are: respect, tolerance, trust and partnership.
You will find that at Richard Lander School, these values are seen in the way we go about our work, the way we manage our relationships and the way we celebrate student success. Ours is a happy school, a nurturing school and a school which builds confidence and self-esteem.”
Our Senior Leadership Team set our school’s direction; implementing strategies to support school improvement and making sure the day-to-day running of Richard Lander School is underpinned by our values and ethos.
Mr S Mulcahy
Deputy Headteachers
Mrs J Griffiths
Mrs C Beech
Mr R Brokenshire
Assistant Headteachers & other members of the Senior Leadership Team
Mr R Holloway – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms V Whitlock – SENCO
Mrs E Bond
Miss S Hendy
Ms T Sawalha
Miss C Grigsby – Business Manager
Our Student Leaders are drawn from Key Stage 4 students who have already made a positive contribution to the life of the school. They are role models for other students and represent the school in various public functions including our annual Celebration of Achievement Awards Evening.
They are also involved in a range of specific leadership projects such as the Student Council. Senior Student Leaders also attend Senior Leadership Team meetings and at times Governors meetings and have a role in developing school policy and practice.
In addition to this, we also develop student leadership through all areas of the curriculum such as the Junior Sports Leaders and Junior Language Leaders programmes. Our students also have a role in teacher recruitment working closely with the Head of Department and the Senior Leadership Team.
Leadership beyond the curriculum is also developed through programmes such as the Student Council forum, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the Ten Tors Challenge, The Greenpower team, Young Enterprise, our Women in Leadership events and many other initiatives.
Through opportunities for leadership across the school, our students develop the skills to become future leaders in society, able to rise to any challenge that comes their way.
Our Student Council is the body of elected student representatives which give a key input into the life and running of the school. The Student Council meets regularly and feeds their ideas directly to the Senior Leadership Team and to the Governing Body.
The main areas of focus of the Student Council are:
- student experience within the curriculum
- student welfare issues
- wider enrichment opportunities
- local community issues
Through the work of the Student Council, our students feel valued and understand that their views are recognised. This contributes to a very happy, safe and positive school ethos. It also helps develop skills for life as our students recognise the importance of expressing their views towards a better world.
The Governing Body has three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Within our governing body we have 3 committees:
- Pay Committee
- Resources Committee
- Teaching and Learning Committee
These committees report back to the main governing body each term. Minutes of the meetings are available upon request by contacting the school on 01872 273750.
The constitution of our governing body, along with the committee memberships, can be found within the documents below. If you would like to contact a governor, please contact the Governance Professional on clerk@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk
Further guidance on being a governor is available on the Cornwall Council website https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-governors/
RLS Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2023-24